Winding Down!!

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Y'all, it's Thursday.  Does anyone kind of wish that time would slow down just a little?  I just placed an order at Target that should be here by Christmas Eve because I think I need a few more things for Kambree and I don't think I'll have a minute to run to the store.    

Is anyone else with me?  Have I wrapped any gifts?  The answer is no.  Last year I had a wrapping assistant but I sense too much stress to impose on her this year.  Kambree carried gifts and stuff to school three days this week - come on Momma get it together.  Truthfully it was nice that it was all spaced out because she didn't have to do too much in one day.  I have had the gifts for the school staff for a long while but I bagged it up the morning that Kambree was passing it out.  Hello Yolanda, work harder not smarter - wait that's not how it goes.  I was proactive in my shopping but not in my packaging.  Our mornings would have been less stressful if I would have taken one minute to package items as I collected them.  

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I have been telling myself all day that I will do better next year.  Someone text me the Monday after Thanksgiving next year and tell me to bag those teacher gifts!  I'm going to do myself a solid and set a calendar reminder!  I actually just took a minute to set a reminder on my calendar.  

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So, these are a few things that are running through my head.  I'll be back tomorrow with some highlights from the week.   

Way Maker

Way Maker - Paul McClure (video) This Good Friday feels different than others but I am more mindful than ever that we hav...