Friday Favorites

Welcome to Friday Favorites!  I have to be real and tell you that I am having a hard time recalling favorites of this week.  I haven't felt very well all week but I can recall a few moments that have made me smile.

Let's get started!

1.  As tiring as they are the school activities have been a favorite this week.  There was the class party this week.  These girls were happy to see me when I walked in the classroom, why one of them even commented that I had colored my hair.  

See the only boy in the picture below?  His name is John and Kambree has a little crush on him.  Y'all he is so adorable!  Kambree and John were in Kindergarten together and on the first day of school this year Kambree mentioned John and wondered if he would be at her school this year.  Well, when we walked in her classroom there was John sitting right across from her.  Kambree just looked at me and smiled really big.  I always try to take pictures of them because you never know they might go to prom together in eleven years or so.  

There was also the Jingle Bell Run.  The outdoor event was moved into the gym because it was a drizzly day.  So, it became a Jingle Bell Sprint.  

2.  After the class party we ran into Brooklyn and her Dad.  We were able to bring Brooklyn to spend the afternoon and evening with us.  We went to the park, to McDonald's, and to Santa's Country Christmas in Seagoville .  It's $20 per car and it's really fun. There is a lot to see.  The girls stood with their heads out of the sunroof for all of the drive.  It was a lot longer than I thought it would be and there are a lot of animals to see.  There are themed areas and we really enjoyed it.  

One of my favorite things about the drive was hearing the girls talk about Christ.  Brooklyn saw a cross and kept saying how He didn't stay dead and that He came back to life.  Both girls shared their understanding and it was really special.  

As much as the girls understood that Christ came, died, and rose again they have no understanding of the words to the song Mary Did You Know. They would both sing it very seriously and repeat this line over and over 

Mary did you know that your baby boy was sleeping on the hay

I'm telling you that they would sing in their best "opera" voice and it was the kind of thing where you kind of want to laugh but you don't want to ruin the moment.  I attempted to record them singing but I now have a video of my bandaged foot and a tissue that was on the floorboard of my car and the girls singing.  

3. Hitting send on a project this week has been another favorite.  I have been very swamped at work and hitting send on one file and moving a folder to the finished file on another job has definitely been a favorite.   

4.  My friend, Rhonda, sent me this pic showing me that my little blog has made it to her most viewed area in her web browser.  See the things is that Rhonda is not just a bit of a grammatical expert, but a lot of a grammatical expert.  I imagine that she cringes often as I misuse punctuation but she's my friend and she reads anyway.  

5.  Today was my last day in the office until next year.  I will still be working some at home but I won't have that long commute and I can have lazy mornings with no school or work rush.  Things have felt chaotic in our home the last couple of weeks and knowing that a long break is here is making my week great.

Well that's it for this week.  I hope to be back Monday with a weekend update.  Have a great weekend and please take the time to enjoy some calm.

Way Maker

Way Maker - Paul McClure (video) This Good Friday feels different than others but I am more mindful than ever that we hav...