What I'm Working On

Do you ever get all your stuff together and feel like a rock star?  I mean I'm a wife and a mom so stuff that makes me feel like a rock star is meal planning, grocery shopping, laundry washed AND put away, nighttime routine, etc.  

Here's how I have been feeling lately.

What are we going to eat for dinner?  Last night my answer was cereal, is than an acceptable answer?  David really likes cereal and he's so easy that he thought it sounded great.  I did cook some soup on Saturday and I felt like there should have been a parade or something to honor my achievement.  I am working on having a meal plan and  cooking at least four nights a week.  David is a great leftover consumer so I don't need to cook every night.  I will feel so accomplished if I have a plan for the week.  

I feel so fancy when I get a grocery pick-up order placed.  I feel like there is no one more boss than me.  Anyone else?  Just me?  That's OK, let me feel boss.  Driving into that parking lot and parking while someone loads my groceries and I can browse Instagram while I wait #winning .  This is me feeling all good about myself for getting groceries ordered.

Another area that I need to work on is our nighttime routine.  Kambree does not want to go to bed, but she desperately needs sleep.  One of my favorite podcasts is The Lazy Genius and this episode on bedtime schedules for kids really resonated with me.  I really appreciate the tip she gave about knowing the time that you need to be done and working backwards from there.  It's not rocket science but I needed that reminder.  Another thing that The Lazy Genius recommends is that if something throws the schedule off then something else has to go.  I could have a lot of leverage with the threat that our book time could be in trouble if she doesn't stop doing cartwheels or whatever it is at the time.  

Let's face it, I am not rock star material, but I am capable of putting just a few systems in place that will make me feel less ragged at the end of every day.  These are just a few of the things that I'm working on right now.  While I might not be rock star material, I am already a super cute wife mom person and if having a good hair day were on my list then I would check that right off!

Thanks for reading today.  What are you working on?

Way Maker

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