I thought that I would share ten random things today on this tenth day of January.
My co-worker left one of those Lifesaver books on my desk and I can't stop eating Lifesavers. When I was a little girl my Dad would occasionally leave a roll of Lifesavers in my shoe so that I could find it in the morning.
I have started cooking an egg for our Chiweenie, DD. We have noticed that the hard food is a little hard for her to chew so I will make her a soft scrambled egg most everyday.
I like to keep Saturday morning completely free anytime that I can. By Saturday morning I mean until noon or after. I really like a slow Saturday morning.
We use an old-school coffee maker everyday. We have a Keurig but very rarely use it. We pre-set our coffee maker every night to come on in the morning.
We have four dogs, two on purpose and the other two we didn't look for but we're so glad we found them,
There are several relationships that I pray will be restored in both mine and David's family.
My favorite food is Mexican food and my favorite variety is tacos. I annoy my cousin, Cristy, because often if we eat out I will order two crispy tacos and that's all.
I like all white walls in our home. We do have a pretty color on our bedroom walls but I want everything nice and white. We use Sherwin Williams Shoji White
My first job was a soccer linesman which led to a very steady babysitting gig. Not too long after becoming a soccer linesman I became a referee. There was one game that I must have made a very bad call and after the game several players from one of the teams chased me with sodas that they were shaking and spraying on me. I specifically remember orange soda being sprayed on me.
I am 4'11" tall but you better believe that I tell everyone that I am 5' tall.
Well there are ten random things that you might not have known about me. Thanks for reading today!