Hello Friends!
Happy Monday! We are getting back to our normal routine after the holidays. Kambree has school and I'll be back in the office. I have not been in the office since before Christmas. I have worked from home which doesn't require an alarm clock or that I get dressed. I feel that we have prepared ourselves for the routine but we are in no denial that Kambree could have re-entry problems.
Kambree had a very busy week with Grandma taking her on outings. They had outings four days in a row. Kambree does best with lots of sleep and while we have tried to get her back into a sleep routine we know there could be melt downs,etc.
Re-entry is hard and I did have a moment of panic this evening. Being home for about 2.5 week without having to get Kambree off to school has been great. Kambree was with Grandma all day Saturday so David did a thorough cleaning of her room and that feels like a fresh start. I washed her bedding and her rug and her room is all fresh and clean. I have all her uniforms clean and ready to go. She has new school shoes because her pair from August didn't make it through October. So, we have checked all the boxes and getting back to school should be easy but we have the child that doesn't do mornings well. I suspect that the first day could go well but it's day two that I'm really nervous about.
I'll let you all know how it goes.
I saw this over the weekend and I can relate to all these things!
I would like to add that finding several pairs of matching socks for Kambree makes me feel like I have really accomplished something. Friday morning I was sitting on the couch and David asked me something and I spoke very softly telling him that I was trying to enjoy my coffee in silence and I was being very careful to not wake Kambree up.
Does anyone else feel like maybe you did something wrong if there is an inadequate amount of lint in the dryer lint filter? Just me?
Someone shared this on Facebook and I feel like it ties in well with my focus on praise. I mean on January 1st, just one day into the new year I found myself struggling to focus on praise. One day in and I was finding it hard, but as my eyes and heart are open I am surprising myself with calming moments or praise.
May your Monday be the best. I hope you accomplish all you set out to accomplish and that we'll give ourselves grace for what we don't get to.